I understand movement and dance as the non-verbal language of the soul.  I always found the dancefloor was my escape, where I was able to be me, listen to me and spiritually connect to something with in me. I knew intuitively that this was a healing space but could not quite figure out what or how the experience of movement was so special. This curiosity lead me on my journey of self- discovery and specialized academia to better understand it. 

Following both undergraduate and post graduate psychological studies in South Africa I completed my Masters degree in Dance Movement Psychotherapy in London. I learned the intricate details of the human mind, body and soul in relationship to others. In my travels across Asia and Europe I witnessed different cultures, experiences, languages and daily rhythms of livelihood which highlighted how spoken language is a luxury not a necessity. 

Organically, I gravitated towards work experience within the spaces of learning disability and psychosis .  Co-creating a language of movement where verbal capacity is limited has been extremely meaningful to me.

After becoming a mom, my empathy for post partum depression and insecure attachments grew drastically and I now have a focused area of therapy that deals with attachment and bonding. Attachment is a neurobiological factor of human beings that psychology and science believe influence every aspect of our past, present and future relationships. It is clear that early attachment impacts our future children and their relationships, thus making this work poignantly important.

Having said this, my work has no limits and can support anyone going through crisis or mental health concerns. 

About me


Bachelor of Arts in Health Science and Social Services (UNISA - South Africa)
Honours in Psychology (SACAP - South Africa)
Masters Degree in Dance Movement Psychotherapy (London - University of Roehampton)

Professional Affiliations

Health Professional Council of South Africa : AT 001 783

Your Healing journey starts here…..


Psycho (logical) therapy is a way I like to explain the term.  Psychotherapy is a process of exploring difficult emotions and life experience with the support of an authentic therapist who carries no judgement but instead, encourages curiosity to set the stage of investigation. 

Movement Psychotherapy - in which I have specialized - while welcoming talking intervention and the spoken language, rather shifts the focus to body movement, trusting the language of the body. - Embodiment

 If talking therapy seems daunting or if you have limited verbal capacity, this is the therapy for you! 

In a safe therapeutic space, we use tools  such as art, dance,  music, toys, role-play and story-telling to investigate ourselves gently to see what may surface in the present moment so that we can be guided into the healing process.


Babies experience their world first and foremost through their bodies. They communicate through non-verbal expression from day one. Dance and movement can be wonderful ways to communicate, play, soothe, and most importantly build special bonds with others. In our Wigglefix classes, mama’s, papa’s, gogo’s and most importantly baba’s come to connect with others and build special bonds with their primary caregiver. These classes are fun and upbeat, leaving you with all the benefits of a good workout while putting aside special time to bond with your baby.

Wigglefix has your beautiful baby dancing from the womb out into the real world. The Dancefix studio is catered to pregnant mama’s and their small little baba’s. This journey will be nourishing for you and your precious little one offering you both a grounded, wholesome beginning to a big life moment.

Movement meditation and Retreats

Mindfulness can be practiced in endless ways, but explodes with opportunity when coupled with movement.  

Throughout my psychological training I offered expressive meditative dance retreats all over the world.  From the majestic silo's in Asia to the local pub in London, there really is no limit or excuse NOT to find time for yourself. Finding time for meditation and peace rewards us with resilience, self-care and inner peace.  

Watch the space for the next retreat or contact me if you want to create some magic together....